Dear friends,

It’s been an honor to represent the residents of the Fourth Ward on Evanston’s City Council over the last four years and I look forward to continuing the work we’ve started.

Last time around, my campaign platform was the Four Es for the Fourth Ward:

Environmental Sustainability,



Economic Development

I’m adding another E for 2025: Effective

This is what it all boils down to, right? Bottom line: I’ve been effective at advocating for the residents of the Fourth Ward as your representative on the City Council.

I’ve done this by seeking out and listening to various perspectives; independently exercising my own judgement; collaborating effectively with my colleagues on the Council, with City staff, and with other community stakeholders.

With your support I hope to continue doing this work for another four years!

With warm regards,
Jonathan Nieuwsma
Ward Four City Councilmember

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